This is KHAN the world's best cat. She came to me during my 1991 college year at SCAD in Savannah GA. she couldn't have been a year old yet. (and Yes, I'm a Trekkie) She strolled up the sidewalk where I was sitting and rummaged out an old chicken bone from my trash bag next to my apartment. I had no real cat food so I cooked an egg for her, which she enjoyed and left for the day.
She quickly became a daily visitor and her stays became longer and longer. One evening she fell asleep on a chair in my apartment so I scooped her up and took her to my bedroom for the night.
The next morning I awoke to her giving birth to four kittens under the covers at the foot of my bed.
Needless to say she was mine forever more.
She has been there for all of my biggest moments,
Last year of college.
First professional job
First big move form Virginia Beach, VA to LasVegas, NV
My second professional job
The purchase of my first house
My marriage
She has been a close friend and loyal companion
She loved to purr and would often meow in a friendly greeting or as a response to a question asked of her. She would come to the door when I came home and would stretch out on my leg when I sat down. She would even tolerate my wife's new puppy who would force her off my leg.

Khan has touched my heart deeply,
and now 16 years after we first met it will soon be time to say good bye to my Khan.
She is very thin and weak and her back legs are wobbly
she still purrs while I brush her but very low,
she has passed on her favorite dish of tuna and cheese this weekend
and is drinking small amounts of water.
I fear her time is coming to a close very soon.

I will miss you greatly my baby Khan,
You've been a good kitty,
I love you so much.